Treffen X   |   Treffen 9   |   KGP&R Scrap Yard   |   2007 Classic   |  Treffen 11


There are two VW shows in SoCal that I try to attend. The Treffen used to be Ghia only but recently has increased to all aircooled and is a lot of fun in a small time way. I bought the Ghia in 2002 and attended Treffen IV just a few months later. I have actually attended the 4th, 5th, 9th, 10th and 11th. The show must have been cursed for a while because the missing 3 years were all due to death and sickness in my family. I missed the 12th because I was travelling with my fiance, so I think the curse may be over...


The other show is the Southern California Classic. Hundreds of VW's pack Irvine Ampetheater parking lot.

I got about 75 miles out of town and the car started to sputter - just a bit. When I pulled in to the show 15 miles later it was difficult to keep it running and it finally stalled at the ticket takers and I had to push it into the show.

You would think would be beset by contributing mechanics, but only one guy helped (it was appreciated) and by the end of the show I got it running well enough to sputter home. It turned out to be a failed electronic ignition. Compufire's are picky about how the distributer wires are connected. I went back the second year and ran into a guy with the exact problem. He managed to repair it at the show.